Looking to Grow Your Business Online? Avoid These Website Mistakes!

admin / 10-07-2021

Let’s face it – an excellent website design will take your business to places, a bad design will tank its success. Your business can suffer serious losses if you make mistakes that search engines do not like. 


Keeping this in mind, we have compiled a list of web design mistakes to avoid. 


Take a look. 


Avoid a Poorly Planned Website


Ask yourself this – would you open a restaurant just like that if you were to? 




You would research the market first, understand the target audience, hire staff, plan the operations, and launch your restaurant. 


Guess what, you need to take similar steps when launching your website. An effective way of doing that is content marketing. It all starts from ensuring that your website is well organized. This means the right content is at the right place. 


Moreover, make sure your content is top-notch and not generic. High-quality content will increase your brand’s credibility and position your business as a subject matter expert. 


Avoid Irrelevant Content on the Website


Okay, we get it. You want to have long-form content on your website because apparently, search engines love detailed content. However, we would like to suggest a different approach. 


Try to focus on user satisfaction. Meaning, any content that satisfies the queries of a reader is good content. The fact is, search engines have become smarter over the years. 


They can easily understand which content is relevant to the user and which ones are included just for the sake of it. If your website has irrelevant content, it may rank temporarily due to its long-form nature. However, there are high chances that it may lose its ranking in the future when the next search engine algorithm update is released. 


Moreover, your website’s text content should be clear and concise. It may be beneficial to break up your content into sub-groupings that can then be assigned their own pages. Remember that most readers will only skim through a page. This is why subheadings are so important.


Avoid Focusing only on One Aspect


When it comes to your business website, we are sure there must be several aspects of your products or services. Yes, one aspect may be more important than the others (in terms of revenue generation). However, you need to ensure that you’re paying equal attention to all your business aspects. 


Failure to create quality content for all your business aspects may lead to thin content, something search engines hate. So, no matter how well you optimize it, you may never see that page on the first page of search rankings. 


Moreover, ask yourself this question, “How is your website unique?” Websites that only offer the product or service will not be unique from others and will fail to stand out. 


Your website’s branding is important. Don’t be afraid of injecting the brand’s vision into your website. A personalized experience connects more with people than anything.


Must Include a Call to Action


Congratulations! Your web page ranked on the first page of search engines, and visitors started coming in. But is this the end of your efforts? We don’t think so. 


In fact, this is only half the battle won. As much as it is important to get people on your website, inciting them to take some action is equally important. It depends on you what you are expecting of them. Do you want them to subscribe to your newsletter? Or is it a course you’re looking to sell?


Whatever your target, you need to make them stay on your website for as long as possible and compel them to take some action. Also, remember that the more actions people take on your website, the better will be its ranking chances. 


Avoid Generic Content, Focus on Your Niche


They say when you chase all the sheep, you catch none. And we couldn’t agree more. You need to be clear of your Niche and your business’ offerings. This will help you do target keyword research and create relevant content. 


However, there are chances your website may see some irrelevant visitors who do not take any action. This may compel you to think that you might not be fully tapping your target audience. Beware of such a situation. 


One solution is to analyze your keywords and content. If you think they are relevant to your business, you don’t have to fret about a small traffic chunk that doesn’t engage with your website. Chances are, most of them are bots. 


Ensure a Properly Functioning Blog Page


Your website’s blog plays an important role in its success. A Blog section allows you to personalize your website and make it stand out from the rest. You can create fresh, interesting content that resonates with your potential customers in a way that your competitors cannot. So, you should schedule regular updates to your blog with relevant and well-written content.


Moreover, if you cannot create an interesting blog, consider outsourcing the task to a professional writing agency. It will make sure quality content is posted every day on your website. 


Their articles will be optimized with proper SEO practices and will connect with the reader personally. 


Make Sure to Interlink the Pages


It’s not just about the homepage. Are your internal pages relevant, and have they got titles? These pages are crucial for search engine ranking and should be rich in information. Otherwise, these internal pages will be as good as dead weight if they lack usefulness. 


These pages can work in favor of your website by providing the necessary information about your product or services on an appropriately titled page.


Make Sure the Website is Mobile Optimized


One thing you can bet your money on is mobile usage. Be it a train station or a late-night bar; people love to check their phones frequently in a day. Safe to say, they spend hours every day on their mobiles. 


Now ask yourself – aren’t you missing out on a lot if you haven’t optimized your website to rank on mobiles? 


Your website must be responsive to smartphones. This means it should load quickly on any screen and display soon. 


Final Word


A well-optimized website is key to a business’ success online. If you think designing a great website is out of bounds for you, consider hiring our experts for web design in Charleston SC. Professional website developers know what it takes to design a website both people and search engines will love. Moreover, being one of the leading Charlotte SEO agencies, we can help you with your SEO efforts. 


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