6 Ways to Effectively Promote Your Shopify Store in 2021

Ryan / 05-01-2021

Making your first sale on Shopify is always a challenge.

And yes, organic traffic isn’t your best friend from day 1. But, we need to sell and make money, right?

Fortunately, it isn’t too difficult when we have the right techniques. And guess what? We have cracked the code and are glad to share it.

In this blog post, you will find out six top ways to effectively promote your Shopify store, generating a number of sales, and of course — making more money.

1. Add the Right Store Features

Shopify is a great platform for sellers across the globe, but no online store is complete without the right set of features. There’s a ton of features that can uplift the user experience and make buyers’ journeys way easier. And for that reason, you must be incorporating them.

For a fair idea, here’s a list of some Shopify features that you may consider adding:

  • Abandoned Cart Recovery: Nearly 7 out of 10 e-commerce customers add a product to cart and forget about it till it gets abandoned.
    They are unable to find the product again when they wish to buy it.
    This feature will allow your users to recover their abandoned carts as per their convenience, so they can buy as per their convenience.
    Remember, all sales don’t convert on day 1. Most of them are converted after days, weeks or months have passed.
  • Auto Calculate Shipping Prices: As buyers, we all know the pain of hidden shipping charges. They certainly make a product more expensive than it really is, but when they are unexpectedly imposed or confused around, they pinch a little more.
    The best we can do is be transparent about the shipping charges, and for that, we can use the auto-calculate feature.
    This way, all your customers will know the final amount, so their chances of returning will be higher.
  • Discount Codes: Everyone loves discounts and as a Shopify seller, you must know this.
    We aren’t talking about halving away your profits, but, treating your prospects with discount codes once in a while would only benefit your Shopify business.
    First of all, this can boost your sales. Secondly, you will have more customer data which you can use to optimize your store, and its marketing strategy. Finely tuning your Shopify store is crucial if you want to make profits out of it. For best results, it’d be smart to consult professional Shopify developers. They will develop your Shopify store based on your product and expectations.

2. Plan an Influencer Marketing Campaign

9 out of 10 consumers trust product recommendations from people they don’t know.

Assuming your store is in its initial stages, your social media and blog’s audience sizes may not be significant. Thus, focusing your marketing energy entirely on these two channels may not be the best idea, at least for now.

We need results in the form of sales, and influencer marketing is a great marketing gimmick for achieving this goal.

So, what can we do?

Shortlist at least 10 influencers and 10 micro-influencers in your niche. Write a sweet and warm collaboration email, and send them a free product that they can try and tweet or post about.

And yes, many of these collaborations will be paid, so be ready with a budget or go big on micro-influencers (influencers with a smaller but impressed audience).

3. Be Active on Instagram

Instagram is home to over 500+ million daily users.

Certainly, it’s a huge marketplace with millions of your prospects. Certainly, you can’t afford to miss out on this major chunk of people who may be interested in buying your products.

So, create an Instagram account for your Shopify store, upload product pictures, share testimonials and all the content that you have.

Having an Instagram account for your Shopify store will also enable you to receive followers when an influencer gives your business a shoutout.

Aesthetic product pictures generally have a great chance of reaching more prospects on Instagram.

4. Start Email Marketing

Email marketing has long been known as an effective marketing tool for building a strong relationship with customers. And of course, for boosting sales as well.

In fact, email is the only marketing medium that reaps around 420% returns on investment, which means $1 spent on a strategized email campaign can give profits of around $42.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to incorporate an email sign up form on your blog and use user emails to send-out newsletters on a regular basis.

For sure, it may start off slow, but once it’s on the right track, you may never have to worry about achieving sales goals again.

5. Create a Blog and Blog Actively

Blogging is another one of the few most impactful marketing techniques, and all you need for blogging is the right knowledge and zeal to step-up your Shopify business.

Create a simple blog, choosing the right colors, and theme to match that of your store’s, and start creating content. The more regular you are, the better will be the chances of your blog ranking higher in the search engines.

This will benefit your Shopify business in the following ways:

– By boosting organic traffic towards your business

– Will send referral traffic to your Shopify store

– Can improve your Shopify store’s SEO through backlinks

– Will provide you with a sustainable audience base that you can rely on

If you are doubtful about how you can successfully pull off a blogging campaign for your Shopify store, it’d be wise to consult an SEO marketing agency.

They will have the right know-how and experience for making your blog and store a success.

6. Push Your Store through Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads is the ultimate solution for generating quick results. All you need is a little money to pump up your Facebook marketing game.

With its laser-targeting features, Facebook allows users to narrow down their audiences and reach the people that matter the most to their business.

Whether you are selling clothes or curtains, a large chunk of your users may be using Facebook, and the best way to reach them is by launching paid ad campaigns.

Just ensure that you have enough knowledge and experience regarding Facebook ads and how its PPC system works, or else you may end up throwing money for nothing.

Closing words

Shopify is a brilliant platform where merchants can sell their products to a broad audience. However, like most platforms, it requires special knowledge for creating results.

In this blog, we discussed six ways that can help you effectively promote your Shopify store in 2021.

Hopefully, this was helpful.

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